Jonathan’s Vision

Jonathan believes in an agenda that helps all the residents of the East Ward and addresses the unique challenges they face



Jonathan wants stable and increased development in the East Ward that brings jobs and economic activity to the community. He will advocate for:

  • Small business incentives for local hiring

  • Tax relief for small businesses

  • Construction that respects the unique atmosphere of the East Ward



Jonathan wants every child in the East Ward to receive an education that provides them with the best chance of entering the modern economy. He will advocate for:

  • Opening new schools in the ward that serve its students

  • Allowing for more parent input in the education process

  • Increased opportunities for STEM and Arts education

  • More options for high-school equivalency and technical training

  • A specific seat on the Board of Education for the East Ward


Housing & Rent

Jonathan wants to see development that actually lowers rents for residents in the East Ward that does not increase gentrification.

  • More rent relief for residents facing economic hardship during COVID-19

  • Tax relief for local landlords who support their residents

  • More construction of affordable housing

  • Constructions that respects the community

COVID-19 Response

Jonathan believes that the city should do better in responding to COVID-19 crisis.

  • Evidence-based policies that help stop the spread

  • More testing and vaccine sites in the East Ward

  • Economic relief for residents and small businesses adversely affected by shutdown policies


Jonathan wants to make the East Ward safe for everyone. He will advocate for:

  • A neighborhood watch (with a focus on early mornings and evenings)

  • The recruiting of qualified police officers who come from this community

  • Increasing the resources for community policing

  • Effective gun control legislation (including a gun buy-back program).


The Environment

Jonathan wants the water to be clean, the air to be clear, and for everyone to feel that their neighborhood isn’t poisoning them. He will advocate for:

  • Better oversight of the water supply

  • Ban on construction of trash-burning plants, sewage processing plants, and factories that increase pollution

  • Incentives for businesses that reduce carbon output


Parks & Recreation

Jonathan believes that parks, playgrounds, and recreational spaces are the lifeblood of the community. He will advocate for:

  • More funding for park services, tree-trimming, and clean-up

  • Building a relationship with the Essex County Park Services

  • More programming for children and young people in parks

  • More dog-runs


Jonathan believes that the next flood is not far away and the East Ward needs to be prepared for it. He will advocate for:

  • Better water drainage in the East Ward

  • A fund to help residents who lose property due to flooding

  • Creation of a Newark-specific alert system to residents when a flood will happen

Traffic & Parking

Jonathan believes that the lack of parking has gotten out-of-control. He will advocate for:

  • East Ward specific lots and parking decks for residents only

  • Reduce parking tickets for residents

  • Permit parking for residents

  • Promote and protect bicycles and bicycle lanes


The Budget & City Hall

Jonathan believes in bringing fiscal responsibility to City Hall. He will advocate for:

  • Stabilizing property taxes

  • Reducing waste in the budget

  • Reducing tax abatements for large businesses and developments (who don’t need them)

  • Publicly accessible and easy-to-use tools on the city’s website for residents to examine the budget

  • Quicker timelines for permits and licenses from the city

  • Better management of city employees


Quality of Life

Jonathan wants to make the East Ward and Newark the best place to live in New Jersey. He will advocate for:

  • Better and more frequent trash/bulk pick-up

  • Better snow removal

  • Fixing all the pot-holes on the streets (right when they appear)

  • Increased fines for littering/illegal dumping,


Public Health

Jonathan believes that every Newarker should have access to quality health care facilities in their neighborhood. He will advocate for:

  • A new, comprehensive hospital in the East Ward

  • Expansion of ambulance services

  • More clinics that address the health needs of the residents

Jonathan’s vision for the East Ward is not finished. He wants to hear from you.

If you want to see a specific area of change happen, please contact Jonathan and let him know what you are thinking!